Thursday, July 11, 2013

10 Jul 13 - 11 Jul 13

Yesterday, we were up and at 'em and in our ABU's (camo uniform) for a delicious MRE breakfast (what exactly is "wheat bread product"??) at 0500.

Lt Bach, Capt Hartley, Capt Dinan, Lt Webb, Capt Benfield, Capt Key, Lt Dueitt, Capt Brockman, and Lt Salmon

Capt Galle, Capt Turner, Capt Bourne, Lt Bach, and Capt Hartley
From there, we all marched out to Project X, a top-secret series of obstacles that tested our teamwork and leadership skills. I'd say more, but we're sworn to secrecy about the obstacles. It is safe to say that we each took turns being an active participant, a "safety" to make sure that no one was injured, and a time keeper. We successfully completed about half of our obstacles, and really worked well as a team!

Lined up in formation waiting to enter "Project X"
We've taken to trying to squeeze in a little PT whenever we can - Capt Dunkle (our flight's athletic officer) has done a wonderful job of pushing us and encouraging us. Sometimes we combine our learning with PT - for example, doing planks while reciting the Airman's Creed.

"I am an American Airman.
I am a Warrior.
I have answered my Nation's call.
I am an American Airman.
My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win.
I am faithful to a Proud Heritage, 
A Tradition of Honor, 
And a Legacy of Valor.
I am an American Airman. 
Guardian of Freedom and Justice,
My Nation's Sword and Shield,
Its Sentry and Avenger. 
I defend my Country with my Life.
I am an American Airman.
Wingman, Leader, Warrior.
I will never leave an Airman behind. 
I will never falter,
And I will not fail."

Capt Brockman, Capt Dueitt, Capt Turner, Capt Dunkle, Capt Hartley, and Lt Bach
Today, we had our pennant test, which evaluated how well we march together as a flight. If (or when) we find out that we pass, we'll be allowed to march ourselves around as an entire group. Until now, we are only allowed to march in groups of 2-4. We've practiced and practiced, and felt pretty confident. Lt Salmon did an excellent job as our flight leader, and Lt Pezel has rocked it as our guidon bearer (a big staff with a flag on it). Capt Brockman and Capt Key acted as element leaders of the group. We hope to find out the results tomorrow at "Hall Call", which we've heard is a glorified pep rally with all of the flights. We're looking forward to it! The Golf "Ghostbusters" - our chosen mascot - have a great chant, awesome spirit, and believe in the team!

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